Svetska nedelje borbe protiv glaukoma (12-18.03.2017.)

Udruženje glaukomatologa Srbije se i 2017. god. priključilo akciji koja se obeležava širom sveta. ”Svetska nedelja borbe protiv glaukoma” je organizovana u mnogim klinikama i zdravstvenim centrima u Srbiji: Beogradu, Nišu, Kragujevcu, Aleksincu,…

Pored tradicionalnog ”otvaranja vrata” u našim ordinacijama, kada su pacijenti i svi zainteresovani gradjani u odredjeno vreme mogli da provere intraokularni pritisak i dobiju savet lekara bez bilo koje administrativne procedure, organizovana su i merenja intraokularnog pritiska na javnim mestima.

Održano je i nekoliko promotivnih i edukativnih predavanja gradjanima u cilju boljeg informisanja o prirodi bolesti, lečenju i posledicama ukoliko se glaukom ne otkrije na vreme. (Beograd, Novi Beograd) kao i   kontinuirana edukacija lekara kroz održavanje kursa ”Spasimo godine vida” (Niš).

Ova svetski važna manifestacija je medijski propraćena gostovanjem naših eminentnih glaukomatologa i članova Udruženja na regionalnim i nacionalnim televizijama (Beograd, Kragujevac, Niš)

Posebno ističemo izdavanje brošure ”Glaukom-Vodič za pacijente” koji je sa drugim propagandnim materijalom o glaukomu podeljen u toku obeležavanja ”Svetske nedelje glaukoma” 2017.


Predsednik Udruženja glaukomatologa Srbije

Prof. dr Predrag Jovanović


World Glaucoma Week 2017 has ended

We made it happen: World Glaucoma Week – a great success!

Thank you to everyone who made World Glaucoma Week 2017 an enormous success again! Across the globe, thousands have made huge efforts in creating awareness these past days, weeks & even months leading up to WGW-2017! And more noteworthy, we all had one common goal: spreading the word, encouraging others to think about beating Glaucoma!
Your energy and involvement have generated all these wonderful red marks on our interactive WGW world map. Click on it and check out those wonderful held events!

Together we stand stronger during World Glaucoma Week!

And once again we kept an eye out on all those fantastic events, posts, pictures, videos and more! Many thanks to those who have posted their WGW-2017 activity


T-shirts to show their commitment



Open Forum of Fushimi Medical Association



Campaign regarding “You can get blind from Glaucoma” was held using City Buses and Metros in Manila.



World’s first glaucoma awareness dive was organised by Divya Prabha Eye Hospital and Swasthi Foundation at Dive Desk Maldives with support of MaldiCare Clinic on 10 March 2017. The take home message to the divers was: Diving is awesome if your vision is clear. Check eyes yearly to see clearly.



Campaña Prevención Glaucoma


Many WGA Member Societies were active during World Glaucoma Week! It shows that together we are stronger when it comes to increasing awareness and support to create a world free of Glaucoma.


Portuguese Glaucoma Group

“The Portuguese Glaucoma Group had created a public advertising campaign which was displayed on advertising places in the streets and malls throughout Portugal! We also made a video on the same subject that was placed on the official site and Facebook of The Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology.
António Figueiredo

Saudi Glaucoma Group

“About 16 events were organized during the World Glaucoma Week, 12-18 March, in Saudi Arabia. The campaign was arranged under the guidance of the Saudi Ophthalmological Society, headed by HRH Prince Abdul-Aziz bin Ahmed Al-Saud, President of SOS, in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Saudi Glaucoma Group, Prince Abdul-Aziz bin Ahma bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud Humanitarian Foundation, and sponsored by MundiPharma. Eye Specialist Hospitals and Saudi Universities Ophthalmic Departments, and the SOS representatives planned events throughout Saudi Arabia in ten different Zones.”
Ohoud Owaidhah

Polish Ophthalmological Society

“Polish ophthalmologists vs. Glaucoma” was the theme of our event! Glaucoma week was inaugurated on Tuesday, 14 March. A press conference was held for journalists, patients and families.

Word Glaucoma Week 2017 lasted till “White Saturday” on 18 March . Across the country, we enable patients to get a free screening for glaucoma. More information is published our website.
Iwona Grabska-Liberek

Serbian Glaucoma Society

“World Glaucoma Week was a great opportunity to focus on the patients’ needs even more than we are doing in our daily life and everyday work. The most important event took on the last day of the Glaucoma Week, in the Belgrade City Hall. The event was supported by the Serbian

Clinical Center, Serbian Glaucoma Society and Metropolitan municipality and Allergan. The speakers were our leading national experts in glaucoma.

The Serbian Glaucoma Society created with the support of Allergan, a Glaucoma information booklet for the patients. Also, several events were organized to educate the patients and their family members about glaucoma.”
Predrag Jovanovic